3 secrets to boosting your mood & outlook instantly.

I can’t tell you how many mornings I’ve woken up with a spell of anxiety. It’s as if the very moment I open my eyes, a stream of negative thoughts comes to greet me, totally unwelcome. Instantly, I feel overwhelm, fear, and doubt enter the picture too. They create the pit in my stomach that I loathe. I want to distract myself immediately so I don’t have to feel it. I grab my phone, checking email and Instagram, which almost never makes me feel better–unless I read an inspiring message from Jennifer Kass, Arielle Fierman, or Nitika Chopra of course. But the usual result of letting social media invade my precious morning is more anxiety. Can you relate?
Naturally at this point, we think it makes sense to just get our day started. So we hop in the shower and as we lather up with shampoo, the anxiety is still sitting there with us, thoughts of all of the shit we have to get done that day, why we are unhappy with our jobs, topped with the recollection of a mean comment from a stranger 3 days earlier… it’s all too much and we feel totally disempowered and unexcited about the new day ahead. Whether we believe it or not, that low vibration energy follows us into the rest of the day. On the way to the subway, a man spills his coffee on our shoes or the train is 15 minutes delayed or we realize we totally forgot about that 9am meeting with our boss. Mother of God, why are you doing this to me today!?, we think.
The truth is: God, the Universe, or whatever external force we want to blame didn’t DO anything to us. We are the ones who allowed the anxiety to OWN us instead of giving ourselves the space needed to connect with a more positive perspective.
Let me explain. Anxiety, fear, and negative thoughts are part of being human. They will always live with us in some capacity. However, it is a CHOICE to engage with them and get tangled in their web. Instead of attaching yourself to a thoughts like I can’t do this today, I just hate my life, my boss is the worst, I will always be single and alone, I don’t have enough friends, I’m a loser, I always fail, what is the point?, take a deep breath and witness those thoughts pass by. You’ll begin to notice that your mind has a bit of an attention disorder as it hops from one negative statement to the next. You’ll also notice that certain thoughts trigger feelings in parts of your body–your stomach or your heart. Often our initial instinct is to push those feelings away, but if you want them to go away for real, it’s essential to feel them out. Sit with them and simply witness the experience so that you create space between YOU (the observer) and the negativity (the mind in it’s crazy state).
A great way to stay centered in moments like this is to focus on your breath. Take deep breaths each time a thought triggers you and simply be with it. If you find that certain thoughts are giving you serious anxiety ask this question: Is this true? Can I absolutely know this is true? For example, if the thought “I’m a loser” really upsets you, ask yourself is that really true? And if your mind argues yes, that’s when it’s time to counter with some positive truths. Pull out a notebook and pen and write down why you’re NOT a loser (because YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY NOT). What are the things in your life that you are grateful to have? Who loves you? What do you actually enjoy about your job? Bringing attention to the things that you are happy about automatically extinguishes the negative belief and you are set free.
Now that you’ve taken back your power, it’s time to get excited about the day ahead. Here are 3 ways to almost immediately infuse your body with joy.
1. Journal. Write down every single thing you are grateful for in your life. I’m talking tiny details like: the smell of your favorite candle from Anthropologie, your sister’s laugh, your beautiful hair, your strong legs, your cozy bed & down comforter, the cute guy in the tech department that smiles at you everyday, the sun streaming through your window, how it feels to walk barefoot in the sand. The possibilities are endless so feel free to go crazy with this and it will build up some serious joy in your heart.
2. Play Music. Is there a song that always brightens your mood? A song you can’t help singing along to? A song that reminds you of an amazing road trip or adventure? PLAY IT IMMEDIATELY. Studies have shown that upbeat music with a quick tempo has a major impact on making people feel happier. Some of my favorites are: Happy by Pharell, Dogs Day Are Over by Florence & the Machine, Up Up & Away by Kid Cudi, Roar by Katy Perry, and Safe & Sound by Capital Cities.
3. Dance. Put on one of your favorite uplifting songs and dance. No special moves are necessary, just sway your hips, hop around your apartment, whatever feels good. I’m telling you this form of movement will pull you out of a crappy state of mind into a playful, joyous one.It works for me EVERY TIME. You’ll at the very least want to laugh at yourself and, well, laughter is the best medicine.
The biggest way to shift your anxiety patterns, especially in the morning, is to replace negative, limited thoughts with positive, uplifting ones. Be your own biggest fan and commit to being KIND to yourself instead of cruel. You are awesome, so tell yourself that often. Here’s to happier mornings and feeling empowered to create a joyful outlook each new day. If this was helpful for you, I’d love to hear about it! Please leave a comment.
P.S. If you’re looking for support in shifting your mindset, I can help. To set up a free initial consultation email me at [email protected].