episode 283: taking big leaps & building inner trust with Ana Urban

Ana Urban is a holistic ADHD coach who’s helped hundreds of ambitious men and women overcome ADHD curses, self-sabotage, and the mental and emotional roadblocks keeping them stuck. She blends brain science, shadow exploration, and practical strategies to help her clients master their minds, manage your time, and create real, lasting change in their lives.
So, fun fact: Ana has become one of my good friends thanks to my neighbor Michelle and the fact that our daughters go to the same school. When I met her, I was like, “Oh thank goodness, I’ve found a kindred spirit here in the burbs.” Because he’s not only a mama like me but she’s also an entrepreneur in the wellness space.
It’s been so fun to watch her put herself out here and grow such a successful business specializing in ADHD. In this episode, she shares tons of wisdom, and I can’t wait for you to listen.
I’m so excited for you to hear everything we chat about including:
- Why becoming a mother was the catalyst for exploring entrepreneurship and finding work that lit her up
- What is was like to “come out of the closet” with ADHD and how it quickly turned into her specialty as a coach
- The key things she did to grow a following of 90,000 on Instagram and launch her super successful membership offer
- Her biggest content tips for grabbing the attention of your target audience and the kind of content that turns them into paying customers
- And so much more!
If you’re someone who’s #1 focus right now is attracting clients, then you’re going to love my free guide, ACTIVATE YOUR CLIENT ATTRACTION POWER where I share the top 4 elements that turn you into a client magnet.
To get access, head over to blairbadenhop.com/clients to get access today. It’s free!
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