
episode 277: my critique of Jenna Kutcher’s new website


In today’s episode, I’m doing something I’ve never done before…

Critiquing the new website of a well-known entrepreneur, Jenna Kutcher.

This is a respectful, yet direct critique about the opportunities I see for Jenna to elevate your new brand.

While I’ve always loved Jenna’s websites and look to her for a inspiration as fellow creative.

But this time around, I see a few core mistakes that I think are helpful for all of us to take a look at.

Especially, for a brand like Jenna’s who so many look up to and might want to emulate.

I also share:

  • A few personal updates and some fun facts about my daughter (she just turned 5!)
  • A brand new offering that just launched that’s just $97 and I’m having so much fun with already!
  • Some key intel about my business mentorship program, YWB, and the last cohort of 2024
  • And more!


Want my advice on your business?

Submit your question here and I’ll answer it in a future episode!

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