288: making space for yourself in the holiday frenzy

No matter how you feel about this time of year – it’s easy to get swept up in the holiday frenzy.
The shopping, the events, the excuses to eat more sweets, the extra glasses of wine, the stress, the difficult family members. Even if you’re like me and you love this time of year, it can be a lot.
That’s why I always do my best to carve out a little space for myself so that I don’t get lost in the sauce and wake up on January 1st feeling exhausted.
Today’s episode offers you an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, your values, your gifts, and what makes you unique – as you wrap up the year and set your sights on 2025.
So, if you’re in the mood to get cozy and introspective, be sure to listen!
Also, this episode is brought to you by the Brand Yourself Challenge, a free 5-day challenge that helps you identify your unique differentiator so your wellness brand gets noticed.
Visit blairbadenhop.com/challenge to join. We start on Monday, December 2nd.
Want my advice on your business?
Submit your question here and I’ll answer it in a future episode!
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