
episode 278: 5 tips to become a natural client magnet


If you’re an early-stage or more established entrepreneur who is feeling lost about how to create a steady stream of the right clients, this episode is for you!

Inside, I share the 5 essential things you need to do to become a natural client magnet. I also talk about how while it’s easy to blame industry “saturation,” the heart of why your pool of potential clients are turning into paying clients is due to two core things.

Something deep with you. And something practical that you’re not nailing in your message and marketing.

Be sure to listen to get the full intel! I give you so much gold that you can integrate into your business right away.

I also touch on my program Your Wellness Brand and the upcoming cohort that starts in October. This is the final group I’ll be running in 2024.

To learn more, visit yourwellnessbrand.com or email me at [email protected].

Want my advice on your business?

Submit your question here and I’ll answer it in a future episode!

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