
3 essential rules for epic productivity.

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been on a mission to become a productivity ninja.

Instead of reaching for my phone the moment I slide up against some writer’s block, I get up from my desk and have a solo dance party (and it works wonders, not kidding).

Instead of diving into emails first thing in the morning, I close my inbox, turn my phone on airplane mode, and get started on my to-do list.

Instead of deprioritizing my own blog posts, I just started scheduling (like yesterday) a weekly writing day into my calendar so that I always get them done.

And instead of ping-ponging between projects, I start one and finish it before carrying on to the next.

It may sound simple, but these days it’s hard NOT to multitask or get distracted by the random stuff your monkey mind tells to you to do.

Wait…Madewell is having a sale!? (Peruse for 20 minutes)
Sh*t, I forgot to buy toilet paper. (Worry about toilet paper for 10 minutes)
Hmm, I should really add some things to my wedding registry. (Get lost for 15 minutes)

You get pulled into the rabbit hole. Only to emerge 20-30 minutes later completely off track. No bueno.

After a very enlightening coaching session with my friend Jeanne Grabowski, it became abundantly clear that there are some really simple ways to set myself up for more success and efficiency.

The first one being, to use my morning time for the biggest tasks of the day. I don’t know about you, but I am way more likely to bang out some good quality writing first thing in the morning versus the afternoon. Especially when I don’t open myself up to the anxiety of responding to emails or scrolling through social media.

Rule #1: Get up, shower, meditate, eat breakfast, get to work. No social media, no email.

The second thing is that social media is my biggest distraction. When I experience a moment of boredom of any kind, whether I’m writing and hit a wall or watching a show and lose interest, I look at Instagram or jump on Facebook immediately. It’s a totally unconscious time suck, and to be honest, it feels gross. It’s important to build the muscle that is not dependent on other forms of stimulation and distraction.

Rule #2: Activate the Freedom App to block all social media websites and put my iPhone on Airplane mode.

The third thing is, if I can improve my productivity, I can seriously grow my business. The truth is in just 2.5 years, I’ve worked with over 100 wellness entrepreneurs, small business, and coaches. And I made a six figure income doing it in 2016. That certainly puts things in perspective.

Rule #3: Remind myself WHY I need to FOCUS and follow my rules every day.

Really committing to this new way of working (and being) hasn’t been easy. In fact, I’ve had it on my to-do list to write this blog post for almost two weeks and am finally doing it (you know writing consistently for my blog has been a struggle!).

However, it’s more important than ever to do what I set out to do, because I am adding a whole new dimension to my business this quarter: launching my first course, Your Wellness Brand.

That means I’m crafting a course curriculum (videos, a learning center, and other materials), while taking on new clients, writing website copy, oh, and doing my taxes.

They say entrepreneurship is all about pushing your limits. And while I’ve definitely moved past some pretty big roadblocks in the past couple of years, I’m certainly hitting a new growth edge this year and am excited to see how it all unfolds!

I think many of us are feeling called to step up our game. To stand up for what we believe in and put ourselves out there in bigger, better ways.

If you’re a health coach who really wants to get your ducks in a row in 2017, the Your Wellness Brand course is the perfect way to start.

It was designed to help you lay the essential foundation for your brand while also leveraging one very important thing: what makes you unique.

Sign up to learn more and get a free 3-part mini course straight to your inbox. It will help you decide if Your Wellness Brand is right for you!

And for those of you with productivity tips and tricks or wishes to be even more intentional with your time, please share with me in the comments below. I need to hear what’s working and not working for you.