my immunity boosting elixirs.

It has been quite a dreary week here in New York City. The clouds seems to have decided to blanket the sky permanently with cold rain seeping through, soaking the streets, making us all want to stay inside under cover. There is such a heaviness that comes with weather like this, as if the sky actually weighs more. Am I right?
Yesterday, I woke up feeling like I was on the brink of getting sick… a tightness in my temples, a foggy mind, and a serious sluggishness. There is absolutely something going around and I would like to avoid it, thank ya very much! So I immediately started preparing my usual immunity boosting elixirs to help my body in the fight.
What’s the first thing I did? Drink a large mason jar’s worth of water with a splash of apple cider vinegar. ACV has a laundry list of health benefits because of the enzymes and trace minerals created in the fermentation process. This stuff is anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral so I always reach for it when I have a stomach ache, and most importantly when I’m feeling some sick-ness coming on.
Following the giant mason jar full of water, I filled it up again and drank another one. It’s important to stay hydrated and help your body move those toxins out. Next I had my go-to superfood smoothie; this concoction is antibacterial, anti-biotic (yes, from the bee pollen), anti-inflammatory, full of antioxidants, and contains a high dose of vitamin C.
1 cup almond milk
2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
1 tablespoon bee pollen
2 tablespoons spirulina
1 teaspoon camu camu powder
1/2 frozen blueberries
Sprinkle of cinnamon
After enjoying this deliciousness (I swear, it tastes really good!), I drank more water, did work, rested, and then decided to make a version of what many call the “Turmeric Tonic.” I put a kettle of water 1/4 of the way full on the burner and while that heated up, I added the following ingredients into a mug.
1 inch fresh ginger, sliced
1 tablespoon honey
2 dashes of turmeric powder
1 dash cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
I poured hot water over this mixture and let it seep for a few minutes and cool a bit. It may sound like an odd combination, but it has the right amount of sweetness, earthiness, and tartness so that it tastes good, while also packing a high immunity boost. Ginger, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar are all anti-inflammatory. Honey contains loads of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that support your gut which boosts immunity. And cayenne pepper aids in breaking up congestion and mucus which usually leads to inflammation. Yes, a serious combo.
All together, these elixirs are my superfood superheroes and I always feel like I’ve given my body a leg up in battling a cold or virus afterwards. I usually drink my Turmeric Tonic everyday until I feel 75% back to normal and it does the trick! The key is to catch the cold before it really hits.
Do you have a crazy herbal concoction you whip up when you get sick? I’d love to hear all about it! Please leave a comment in the comment section right below the title of this post. If this info was helpful, let me know. Thanks so much for reading!