
my all time favorite meal for fall.

When people ask me what my favorite food is I almost always say brown rice. I know, I’m a weirdo. I think most “normal” folk say french fries, sushi, or ice cream. However, my grain-y friend, BR, has a lot to offer and can be combined with almost anything (except french fries and ice cream, obviously). I use it to make a warm, sweet porridge for breakfast with a little almond milk, coconut butter, cinnamon, and a touch of sea salt. But most often I use it when whipping up lunch or dinner. Throw a seasonal veggie in there with some homemade dressing and you’ve got yourself an incredibly well-balanced and tasty meal.

Taste and ease aside, grains have a ton of nutritional value. BR has even been called one of the healthiest foods in the world! That’s because it’s packed with manganese (helps produce energy and protects against free radicals), fiber (aids in digestion), selenium (a trace mineral that has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer), and lots of phytonutrients that work to protect against disease.

If you’re a grain & veggie lover, making grain salads with seasonal ingredients is going to become your jam. Here’s a graphic to give you some ideas on what’s possible!

grain salad


Dressing Recipe:

1/2 cup EVOO
1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 glove garlic, minced
Salt & pepper to taste
If you want to sweeten it up a bit, add a little honey 🙂