
5 keys to a happy life.

I recently stumbled across a powerful article on TIP News about the top 5 regrets people express on their deathbeds. I know it sounds morbid, but–hello!–don’t we want to avoid having regrets at the end of our lives? As I read along, it became abundantly clear that these 5 things are crucial for us younger folks to be aware of in order to lead a happy, fulfilling lives.  So here’s my twist on their article: 5 Keys to a Happy Life.

1. Live Life on Your Own Terms
As young adults, a certain path is laid out for us: go to college, get a job, get married, have a family, and then retire. Our parents, society, and the media put a lot of pressure and expectations on us to be “successful” and adhere to the traditional way of living. What we aren’t taught is how to nurture our own desires and aspirations. More often than not, we have to figure that part out on our own (if we ever make the time), and many of us don’t truly discover our true sense of purpose. Everyone on the planet has a unique gift to contribute to this world. Spend time getting to know what that is. What excites you? What inspires you? Who do you admire and why? Pay attention, notice what lights you up, and listen to your inner guidance, then take small steps to get in alignment with what you love.

2. Don’t Work Too Hard
In America, we live in a culture that prides itself on hard work no matter what the cost is to our health, our relationships, or our happiness. It’s all about making money, living a nice lifestyle, and doing what’s “expected” of us. We put our noses to the grindstone and sometimes work insane hours for years … chasing that senior title, that big bonus, that recognition–and rarely pick our heads up to reassess and do some inner inquiry… Am I happy? Does this feel good? How can I create more balance in my life? Is this worth the amount of stress I’m carrying daily? Of course money is essential to living life and working hard is necessary, but it’s also important to reassess and keep ourselves in check so that we don’t miss opportunities to enjoy what really matters in life–time with friends and family, having exciting new experiences, and exploring activities and hobbies that light us up.

3. Resolve Inner and Outer Conflicts
Too often we move through life holding onto the past. We punish ourselves for things we did or keep up grudges towards others. It’s a lot of weight to carry around for a lifetime, don’t you think? Imagine how freeing it would feel to let that all go. Instead of being stubborn or angry, we could choose to forgive others–and ourselves–everyday. We could tell people how we feel and have an open, loving discussion without placing blame or having to “be right” about the situation. Processing and letting go of each hurt, misunderstanding, and bad feeling is healing. It allows us to move forward in life knowing that we did our best to resolve matters that were unsettling.

4. Nurture Important Relationships
It’s so easy to lose touch with friends as we get older. Full-time jobs, kids, events, trips–all of it takes energy and at the end of the day it’s much easier to go to sleep than call a friend you need to catch up with. Personally, I have friends who live in cities all over the country and in order to keep up those friendships, we have to prioritize regular phone calls and visits. Although it requires some coordination and effort, those interactions are nourishing and often stress-relieving. As humans, our relationships are the most important thing to living a fulfilled life (at least that’s what I believe) because it’s those loving connections that boost our mood, keep us inspired, and ultimately feel the most rewarding.

5. Choose to Be Happy
We all seek happiness. It’s THE greatest desire of the human race. But so many of us struggle to find it. We look to our careers, our relationships, our weight, or our paychecks to give us that feeling were after. The truth is: happiness comes from within. It’s our mindset that determines how happy we are everyday. Choosing to look on the bright side, choosing the go with the flow of life, choosing to have faith that everything happens for a reason–those active pursuits are what help us experience a happy outlook on life. The other crucial part is being grateful. It’s so easy to focus on what we are lacking. When we remind ourselves of all of the good people, things, and circumstances that surround us, we can feel our hearts expand and, at times, burst with pure joy. Choose to recognize how lucky you are and choose to be happy.

I think these 5 things are great guide posts to refer back to as we move through life. Do you agree? Was there one point that resonated with you most? How could you incorporate that practice into your life?

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  1. Thanks Blair…You have made me pause, reflect and mindfully, lovingly smile….