
the #1 way to stand out in the wellness industry.

This past week I surveyed my Instagram fam and asked which topics they’d like me to write more about on my blog.

  • Copywriting tips
  • Brand development tips
  • Self-care in business tips
  • Brand photography tips

While I plan to write about all of the above, the most requested had to do with brand identity, specifically how to create a brand that stands out in the wellness industry.

My guess is that many health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs—especially those just starting out—want to leave their own unique mark on the world and become known for something.

That, and they see a growing sea of health coaches—over 100,000 and counting—and wellness entrepreneurs, and feel intimidated by a number of other people already doing what they want to do.

When we compare ourselves to others, it’s really easy to feel like there isn’t any room for us. It’s easy to question how we fit in and how we could possibly be successful when there are multiple experts who already have big online followings, a steady stream of clients, or e-courses that are making them 5 figures per month. It can feel like we have so much more work to do to get to that level.

Yet, it’s this act of comparison that distracts us from discovering our genius and sharing it with our potential clients and eventually the world.

If you’re reading this, I know you have a desire to make a difference while doing work you love, work that lights you up. And you want your wellness business to be the vehicle that does it for you. In fact, you probably know it’s what you’re meant to do.

That’s why I’m excited to give you this piece of advice right now. This is the #1 thing that will help you stand out, and it doesn’t involve some crazy marketing tactic or brand new strategy.

It’s very simple. Ready?

Be yourself.

This may not sound revolutionary. It’s probably something you’ve been told your whole life. “Just be yourself!”

However, the reason it’s really important when creating your wellness business is that the only thing that makes you different from other people in the industry is YOU.

Your personality.
Your background.
Your beliefs.
Your vision.
Your approach.

Who you are is your biggest branding asset. And the best energy you can spend is getting to know yourself deeply.

Know what you love.
Know your strengths.
Know your weaknesses.
Know what comes naturally to you.
Know what you want to work on.

Most of all, know your why. Why does this career in health and wellness matter to you? What led you to choose it as your career? Why are you passionate about it? What impact do you want to make?

Becoming an expert in you—your voice, your style, your everything—is what will allow you to create a brand and business that is one-of-a-freaking-kind. Because no one can be you. You are the only you that exists on the planet.

So if you want to stand out, if you want to leave your own unique mark in the industry, spend time tuning into yourself and what you want to create, and then CREATE IT.

Put down Instagram. Put down the e-courses. Put down the marketing strategies and tactics.

Because your uniqueness isn’t determined by metrics or trying to be like other people; it’s determined by you having your own vision and using your own mind and heart to bring it to life.

Think about it this way…

The most successful people in the wellness and personal development space are 100% themselves.

In fact, they used their own personal story, their own personal struggles to build their brands. That’s what they’re known for and that’s why people love them.

Examples are:

  • Marie Forleo
  • Gabby Bernstein
  • Sarah Jenks
  • Lewis Howes
  • Oprah
  • Deepak Chopra

The list could go on and on.

Owning your “you-ness,” as I like to call it, is essential to your success and being an authentic business owner.

It’s basic, yes. But it’s something people often skip over when they’re about to launch their own solo venture.

And I’m all about making sure you and my clients lay the proper foundation for a successful business—one that not only sounds and looks good, but that you feel 100% confident and aligned with.

That’s what I created my course Your Wellness Brand, an 8-week video training program for health coaches who want to stand out in the wellness industry. I built it to not only help you own your “you-ness,” but to also leverage it in every aspect of your business creation.

I understand how overwhelming it can feel to as an entrepreneur, and I wanted to create a course that make it simpler. That gave people the foundational pieces they could use over and over again to create a one-of-a-kind wellness brand.

Your Wellness Brand opens up again in 2018. But one thing you can start doing now is taking the time to define the pieces I bulleted above. And then to not worry about what other entrepreneurs are doing. Stay in your own lane and own your genius. Everything else will fall into place.

  1. Valuable advice Blair! I know I was intimidated at first by how many wellness professionals looked picture perfect, under 40 and very healthy. I came to health coaching as the mother of a child on the autism spectrum. I saw symptoms and behavior improve after changing diet. This motivated me to help other parents. We all have our unique story and can bring health and comfort to others.

  2. Thank you, Blair! Firm believer on being yourself all the way! Great advice here & to the point. Love this! Immense gratitude for your message beyond the advice. ?☺ looking forward to staying connected…

    1. You are so sweet! It’s makes me so happy to hear this resonated with you. Big hug!