how to find peace in any moment.
Late last year I discovered the new age-y term “alignment.” Most often we associate alignment with our spine–if you go to a chiropractor, you know what I’m talking about–but this use of the word is about your soul.
Have you ever noticed how amazing it feels do be doing something you love? Whether that’s running through a park, painting, dancing, or having a heart to heart with a friend. All of those things feel so “right” because in those moments you are in alignment with life; you are cherishing that very experience, you are vibing with goodness of the Universe, and you are fully “allowing” what ever is happening to happen, just the way it is. It’s pure joy, satisfaction, and appreciation.
I think we all wish we could remain in these places–no worries, no fear, just peace. But of course discomfort, anxiety, sadness, dissatisfaction creep up and seemingly rip that peace away. We push it back, trying to control it’s wrath because it doesn’t feel good; it doesn’t feel “right.”
Here’s why: Because we’re “resisting” life in those moments. We’re not allowing things to be as they are, to pass through us and be over. That discomfort, that fear, that longing sucks, BUT that is where we grow, become more resilient and find peace in WHATEVER comes our way.
Imagine what life would be like if you didn’t resist, if you allowed experiences and feelings to just happen as they do. If you didn’t try to control it or to change it.
You may be thinking, “That sounds great and all, but I want to FEEL better in those moments. What the hell am I supposed to do when shit hits the fan, when I feel weird or scared or uncertain?”
First, allow yourself to process your uncomfortable feelings. I know how hard it is to sit with anxiety or fear about something; I literally want to crawl out of my skin. BUT, if you just sit and feel it, it will pass. It could take 10 minutes or 60 minutes, but once you let it pass, it is gone. You’ll feel cleaned out and a little lighter. It takes practice to get to a place like that when it comes to processing feelings and emotions, but it really works. The next thing I suggest is doing something that makes you happy. Go get a manicure. Call your mom. Listen to your favorite song. Go for a run. Tell someone you love them. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for. Get back into alignment and feel the goodness that still exists in your life despite the rest.