
how to grow your loyal tribe.

If there’s one thing I figured out pretty quickly while working in a corporate environment, it’s that aggressive marketing tactics are not for me. Using fear-based thinking, forceful words, or an overpromise to convince someone to buy something is probably one of the ickiest ways to do business.

However, there is an approach that I’ve happily gotten behind over the years, and it’s one that has become central to the growth of innovative brands around the globe: content marketing.

Content marketing is focused on creating and giving away valuable and unbranded content for free. Something that makes it easy for potential customers to not only learn about your expertise and services (without being sold to), but that also gives you the opportunity to build a real relationship with them.

Not only does this kind of marketing feel so much more genuine, but it’s also been proven to generate more leads and result in higher conversion rates. Meaning that your website visitors are more likely to buy from you and become loyal customers.

Building a tribe of people that adore you and your content, and trust your brand enough to buy from it and recommend it to others is essential to your success, especially in today’s’ market.

Now, I’m sure this isn’t all news to you. You probably know that offering freebies on your website is key to building your online community and tribe of followers. And perhaps you’ve even started a blog, YouTube channel, or social media platform to showcase your expertise and offer support your target customers.

The question is, are you doing it strategically, too infrequently, or trying too many different mediums?

If you feel like you need a little guidance, here are four ways to ensure your content is getting seen and valued by your potential clients.

  1. Choose Your Platform. These days, there are so many ways to publish free content. Written blog posts, podcasts, video, social media—the choices are endless. However, it’s really important to choose a foundational platform and doing it really well. So if you’re someone who is publishing videos regularly and writing blog posts, you might be doing double the work for very little return. I suggest choosing the medium you love most. If writing is a strength if yours, go with blogging. If being on camera or conversations are your strength, go with a podcast or YouTube channel.
  2. Be Consistent. Just like you, I subscribe to a variety of newsletters and there are a handful that I always look forward to. Not only because the content is great, but because I know that I can count on it to hit my inbox on the same day every week. Being consistent with your own blog posts, podcasts, videos, or social media posts is a great way to build a connection with your audience and especially get them used to hearing from you. As they start expecting your emails and blog posts, they will be warmed up and open when you’ve got a product or service to sell.
  3. Love Them Up. One of the most important things to remember when building a business is that it’s not about you, it’s about your customers. The more you ground into this truth and make everything you create, write, and do about them, the more they’ll feel loved, seen, and supported. Yes, your business exists because it’s what you love and making a good living is key to your growth and wellbeing, but it’s nothing without your tribe of customers and followers. So be sure to nurture them, even if you’ve only got 10 people on your email list. Send them love notes, ask them questions, and find out what they need from you.
  4. Promote Your Posts. Once you’ve grounded your strategy, chosen a medium, and are publishing content regularly, you’ve also got to get it out into the world beyond your email list and followers. One of the easiest ways to do this is via promoted Facebook and Instagram posts, as well as the support of other influencers who are willing to share your content with their audiences. Making sure you’ve got eyes on your content is the only way your tribe will grow, so pick your promotional avenue and use it often.

As you can see, content marketing isn’t a quick sales lever or instant conversion tool. It’s a longer game that requires patience and intention. However, if you follow the guidelines above, you will be setting yourself up for the growth of your tribe, and that’s the most valuable kind of marketing there is.

Share with me below if you’ve dabbled in content marketing. What has your experience been?