
how to forget about “the competition.”

Recently, I found myself pulled into the wormhole of comparison. Because I did something I don’t usually do: perused the websites of other copywriters.

It’s not that I intentionally don’t look at my “competition.” It’s that I usually don’t remember that there are other people out there doing what I do.

Does that sound self-centered?

The truth is, I’m kind of glad that I’ve trained myself to “stay in my own lane” and focus on my work, my clients, and my growth, instead of keeping tabs on what others are doing.

Because as I scrolled through the beautifully designed, beautifully worded websites of other amazing writers, I felt this twinge of not being good enough.

Oooo, that’s really good.
Wow, I love the layout of her services.
Ugh, she’s so much cooler.
People will totally pick her over me.

And then, I got totally immersed in their testimonials from noteworthy clients and looked at my own “praise” page, which suddenly felt way less impressive.

I started to feel overwhelmed, thinking, how can there be enough work for all of us? Why would someone choose me over her?

But when I considered the reality of my business, the truth of my work as a copywriter and brand strategist for the past 3 years, over 100 people have chosen me—and counting! Not to mention, I had my first gross six-figure year in 2016.

Worrying about the “competition” and comparing my success to theirs only derailed my flow, my confidence, and my productivity. It didn’t inspire me to write faster or better or to tap into more of my creativity.

It just made me feel like poo.

And as I pulled myself out of that poo pile, reminding myself of what’s actually true, I started to feel proud to be in the company of other talented women. Instead of worrying about them, I decided to simply see them as colleagues. As other writers who likely share the same struggles, self-doubts, and highs and lows that I do.

There will always be “competition,” but we get to choose whether or not to put on our competition pants. We can choose compassion and abundance and superwoman pants instead. They’re way more comfortable anyway.

If you’re an entrepreneur who tends to get pulled into compare and despair too…

If you’re someone who finds herself stalking other wellness experts, coaches, and business owners on Instagram…

If you worry there isn’t enough space for you to be successful and to get your own precious clients…

You are most definitely not alone!

The best thing any of us can do is just “stay in our own lanes.” To simply focus on the here and now, on the work in front of us, on the calls and meetings scheduled in our calendars—reality.

As they say, comparison is the killer of joy… and productivity… and creativity… and progress. Let’s vow to stop ourselves from getting distracted by the shiny success of others, and focus on what we want to create. Our time is better spent doing things that raise our confidence and energy, not beating it down to tiny little poo pile.

Know what I mean?

Remember, that every single successful person started at ground zero. They built something through consistent action and had a vision to keep them moving forward no matter what challenges or failures fell at their feet.

We all have the power to refine our craft, to master what we do, to build our own reputations, and to be successful. It all starts with a commitment to doing our very best and not giving up. Avoiding comparison will take you there faster, trust me.

So I’d love to hear what you think about this whole topic. How do you deal with it? What’s an equally silly experience you can share with me? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments!