how ditching instagram has changed everything.

Guess what? It’s been 11 days since I deleted Instagram off my phone and my addiction has completely subsided. I’m no longer mindlessly reaching for my iPhone every few minutes and it’s liberating! Admittedly, I have looked at the desktop version of the app briefly 4 times, but I’d say that’s pretty damn good all things considered.
So what have I been doing with all this free time and mind space? Being WAY more productive and present in my actual life. Instead of always looking for the perfect photo to take of my breakfast, my walk through the park, or while at an event, I find myself way more absorbed in whatever I’m doing. There’s no ulterior motive other than enjoying where I am. And I have way less ADD. I find myself completing writing assignments with laser sharp focus and in less time.
It’s been interesting to realize how disruptive social media can be in our lives. Taking pictures of everything we do, even if we’re mid-convo with a friend at dinner has somehow become acceptable. It’s as if everyone should just “be ok” with our need to capture the latest experience at all times. Sure, I get it. There’s beauty and art everywhere–certain things inspire us and a photo is necessary. I mean, I’m a photographer and when that inspiration hits, you’ve gotta snap away.
But sometimes, it’s just annoying. And I think taking a break from being that annoying person has made me realize how inconsiderate I was actually being. Ha! When I start posting again in February, I’ll try to keep this all in mind.
My Instagram-free month aside, here’s what’s new.
1. I’m getting rid of cable. As if removing the distraction of my favorite social media channel wasn’t brave enough, I’ve decided to go without ALL television channels indefinitely. Of course I have my favorite shows–Revenge, Pretty Little Liars (don’t judge me), The Bachelor (again, no judgment, k?), and others. But I no longer want to find myself mindlessly flipping through and watching random shows because I’m bored. 2015 is all about productivity for me. So cable is going–and if I really want to watch something, I will do it purposefully via Hulu or Netflix.
2. I joined Wholly Shift. It’s an indescribable body consciousness program led by the amazing Laura Hames Franklin, where through physical movement, mantras, and pure presence we’re able to release old thought patterns, beliefs, injuries, and blocks that have been trapped in our cellular memory. Doing this work allows for break throughs–like attracting more clients, losing weight, having better posture, and more–to occur naturally. But what I’m noticing so far is a lot less tension in my shoulders and neck, less fear around money, and an open-mindedness to the whole process. Like I said, it’s almost impossible to describe, so you’ll have to check it out for yourself.
3. I’ve been providing Content Strategy & Copywriting Services to Health Coaches. It’s funny how some opportunities just fall in your lap, isn’t it? For the past couple of months, I’ve been supporting fellow IIN graduates as they navigate the marketing content on & overall strategy of their websites–specifically the copy on their homepages, sales pages, blogs, and more. My background in marketing–specifically branding and content–has allowed me to bring a lot of value and expertise to this process. Plus, I love working with other Health Coaches! If you’re someone who needs support in this area, feel free to get in touch.
4. I spoke on a Panel at Uplift Studios. This was so much fun! Back in December, Uplift co-founder Leanne Shear asked me to join a panel of nutrition experts on January 7th. I was thrilled and so excited to sit among some amazing women who have super power practices and businesses. The evening involved enlightening conversation, some nutrition education, and lots of amazing nuggets of wisdom. I am so proud of the audience of 15 people who made it despite the 9 degree weather! Uplift is a really special fitness studio for women with a variety of top notch sweat-inducing classes and a really fun community. Check out their offerings if you haven’t been!
5. I’m hosting a screening of Cowspiracy on February 10th in NYC. Ok, so I’m really pumped about this. Ever since I had my sustainability awakening back in December, I have been on a mission to educate lots of people about what’s really going on with our environment and how we can empower ourselves to make a difference. This ground-breaking documentary sheds light on the devastating effects large-scale factory farming has on our planet. I know it’s not convenient for us to know the facts, but if we care about our health as humans and the welfare of all living things, it’s a must-see. In order for this screening to happen, I need to sell 88 tickets by February 3rd–would so appreciate your support! For more details, check out my event page.
Lots of good things are cooking! What victories have you already experienced since the beginning to the year? I’d love to hear all about them in the comments below.