
adventures at soul camp.

Friends! I am breaking my blogging hiatus today and it feels really good. Last weekend, I had the incredible joy of being part of something epic: the first inaugural Soul Camp, an adult sleep away camp for the soul at Camp Towanda in the Poconos. Now, I’ve been on multiple wellness/yoga retreats before–from Kripalu on the east coast to Esalen out... Read More

how self-love eases change.

Oh, change. You truly rock my world time and time again. You show up in my life when I don’t think I need you. And suddenly challenge me to let go of what I know to make room for something better, I suppose. I feel you creeping into my day and part of me wants to resist you, to run away. But then I... Read More

the first book to change my life.

I’m a personal development junkie. There are so many authors and speakers in this world that inspire me to be more present, remind me to be grateful, and help me move through fear every single day. I thank God/Goodness/The Universe for the fateful moment, almost 10 years ago, that I stumbled upon my very first self-help book. At the time, I had... Read More

the benefits of going with the flow.

When life gives you lemons–or a giant hole in your ceiling–you have two choices. Be sour or be solution-oriented. On Sunday evening, I chose to be solution-oriented, with a side of “you’ve got to be kidding me.” I had just spent a lovely, long 4th of July weekend at the beach with lots of loved ones. I was feeling grateful... Read More

summer morning ritual.

I have always had a bittersweet relationship with the month of July. I love it because it means summer is really here and the next few months will be spent drinking Arnold Palmers, watching sunsets from as many spots as possible, digging my feet into the sand, and taking long walks in the evening. But, I admittedly feel resistant to... Read More

5 keys to a happy life.

I recently stumbled across a powerful article on TIP News about the top 5 regrets people express on their deathbeds. I know it sounds morbid, but–hello!–don’t we want to avoid having regrets at the end of our lives? As I read along, it became abundantly clear that these 5 things are crucial for us younger folks to be aware of... Read More

adventures in montauk.

On Monday I returned from a blissful, four day mini-vacation. And goodness, do I feel like a new woman! The stressed-out, wound-up version of me has melted away and  I’m totally pumped to make the most of all of the incredible, exciting, and challenging aspects of my life. Can I get a Hallelujah? It’s SO easy to forget how necessary real breaks are… from work,... Read More

simple birthday wishes.

Today is my 31st birthday. To soften the inner dialogue that’s saying, OMG, how am I this age already?, I just did the math and I’ve officially spent 11,315 days on earth. Eleven thousand, three hundred, fifteen days alive, well, and growing. Incredible. The meaning of my birthday has certainly evolved over the years. Growing up, it meant waking up to a... Read More

adventures in aerial yoga.

On Saturday, me and two lovely ladies (my friends Maria and Lauren)  were led in a playful, light and deepening aerial yoga class at Om Factory. I arrived early to make sure we were all set and of course to take some pictures of the studio. My friends got there at 9:45 a.m. and were super jazzed to try this... Read More

why moving through fear is the key to growth.

A few weeks ago, I stood on stage in front of over 1,000 people and spoke for 10 minutes. I memorized my speech, advanced my own powerpoint slides (um, not as easy as it sounds!), and felt a true sense of peace and appreciation for that moment. This was my 4th time speaking for Integrative Nutrition, the school that I... Read More