
#1 practice for feeling good = being thankful.

The impending holidays have been wafting their sweet scents of excitement and joy into the air here in NYC. There seems to have been an energetic shift as the weather has finally cooled down and we’ve started to bundle up in our wool coats and fuzzy hats. Personally, I have been in the spirit of this season for weeks and so ready... Read More

my all time favorite meal for fall.

When people ask me what my favorite food is I almost always say brown rice. I know, I’m a weirdo. I think most “normal” folk say french fries, sushi, or ice cream. However, my grain-y friend, BR, has a lot to offer and can be combined with almost anything (except french fries and ice cream, obviously). I use it to make a warm,... Read More

3 secrets to boosting your mood & outlook instantly.

I can’t tell you how many mornings I’ve woken up with a spell of anxiety. It’s as if the very moment I open my eyes, a stream of negative thoughts comes to greet me, totally unwelcome. Instantly, I feel overwhelm, fear, and doubt enter the picture too. They create the pit in my stomach that I loathe. I want to distract myself... Read More

skin care: what i use on my face & body.

Truth: we are what we eat. BUT, we are also what we put on our skin. Much of what our beloved epidermis comes in contact with is then absorbed into the bloodstream—the toxins in the air and the contents of our body wash. Therefore, it’s super important to apply natural, chemical free products to our skin when possible. Most lotions, moisturizers, and... Read More

{recipe} halloween treat: chocolate PB & J cups.

Halloween might be my favorite holiday, next to Thanksgiving. As a kid, I ran around the neighborhood with friends, filling up my pillowcase with tons of candy–snickers, butterfingers, skittles, m&ms, kit kats, blow pops, you name it, I had it. I remember being so excited to get home and dump out my sugary treats to see how much I got.... Read More

stop the comparison game & fall in love with your life.

I visited a friend in Williamsburg for lunch a few weeks ago. We ate homemade gluten-free grilled cheese sandwiches and caught up on life while her 2 year old son entertained us with his sweet talk and giggles. I watched Zoro as he found it incredibly satisfying to carry around his stuffed animal puppy or flip through his book about trucks. I was captivated; I personally... Read More

my immunity boosting elixirs.

It has been quite a dreary week here in New York City. The clouds seems to have decided to blanket the sky permanently with cold rain seeping through, soaking the streets, making us all want to stay inside under cover. There is such a heaviness that comes with weather like this, as if the sky actually weighs more. Am I right? Yesterday,... Read More

some “juicy” photos.

For the past month, I’ve been consulting for an awesome start-up called Farmivore. They offer a subscription service that makes juicing fruits and veggies so much easier—think Blue Apron, but with fresh organic produce and juice recipes delivered straight to your door each week. All you have to do is open up the box, give the ingredients a little rinse, and start... Read More

how i went from battling my body to loving it dearly.

When I was a freshman in high school, my mom started juicing vegetables and buying organic everything. I would stare at her as she took out the huge “juicer-thingy” and laid down stacks of just washed carrots, greens, lemons, and more. She would spend a good 20 minutes piling them in and smushing them down until green juice streamed out of... Read More

revelations & pumpkin muffins.

I woke up on Sunday morning feeling incredibly cozy. The window of my studio was cracked about an inch, letting in the crisp, cool fall air. I wanted nothing more than to remain curled up under my down comforter and quilt, so I did for a little while longer. I stared outside to see a bright blue sky, not a... Read More