6 tips to stay healthy this holiday season.

Happy December, friends!
As I write this I’m listening to the She&Him Christmas album, my favorite candle is lit, and I’m feeling so grateful as a I reflect on the awesome long weekend I just spent with family. Thanksgiving was absolutely the highlight of my time at home with over 20 aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends gathered at my Aunt Jane’s amazing house in Princeton, NJ. Many glasses of red wine were drank and many melted cheesy, carby snacks were eaten. Most of all, there were lots of laughs and hugs–truly the most nourishing part of the evening together.
The next morning, I woke up at 11:00 am happy to have slept in, but feeling the inevitable fatigue and grogginess that results from overindulgence. It was time to counter the unhealthy choices with some goodness. The first thing I did was drink a cup of warm water with lemon. Not only is it hydrating but it helps get your digestive system moving and acts as a natural astringent for your insides. I wasn’t hungry right away, so I drank a fresh juice and continued drinking lots of water. Once my appetite kicked back in I ate a grounding mixture of roasted veggies with a soft boiled egg on top. Delish!
This time of year is hard on the body to say the least, and we haven’t even reached the peak of holiday celebrating. The next 3 weeks will be filled with office parties, sugary cookies, cocktails, and late nights. The excitement in the air makes it easy to get carried away, derailing our healthy habits and intentions. The external world is so full of activity that we often forget to give ourselves the space we need to nurture our inner self, our mental and emotional well-being. Forgetting to check in with ourselves usually results in waking up on New Year’s day feeling hungover, bloated, and regretful that we didn’t take the time to consider what we really wanted to do with the brand new set of 365 days ahead.
Imagine what it would feel like to be more present and purposeful in this last month of 2014. How would you schedule your plans differently? When would you start your holiday shopping? What resolutions would you set?
I’ve been offering my clients the following 6 tips to help them make empowered decisions as they celebrate the holidays free of guilt and full of joy.
1. Set aside alone time.
This is number one for a reason. It’s so important to give yourself space to regroup amidst the stress of wrapping up end of year projects at work, holiday parties with friends and co-workers, and all of the family time. When we feel ungrounded, we tend to eat and drink way more than we usually would. To avoid this, be sure to give yourself a few hours a week of alone time. This could include exercise after work, a 30 minute meditation in the morning, or taking a long, hot bath on a Sunday evening. Giving yourself some love with make you feel really good.
2. Set intentions before each holiday celebration.
The practice of setting an intention before a party is very powerful. Attending an event without a plan often leads to overeating and over drinking. We wind up leaving the party fuller and more intoxicated than we really wanted to and that often leads to feelings of guilt the following day. Setting an intention beforehand allows you to have boundaries when you arrive. For example: “I’m going to stick to wine and skip the sugary cocktails” or “I’ll only have 3 drinks and switch to sparkling water for the rest of the night.” This enables you to enter any party with confidence and control.
3. Drink lots of water.
Knowing that you’ll be drinking more and eating a little differently this time of year means it’s really important to keep your water intake consistent. Water keeps things moving in your body and helps remove toxins. It’s especially helpful to drink a glass in between drinks so that you can avoid a headache the following morning. This is super key to feeling and being healthy.
4. Take deep breathes.
When we get stressed and overwhelmed we often hold our breath or take very shallow breaths. Be present to your breathing this month and when you find yourself tense, stop whatever you’re doing and take a deep breath. Breath deeply into your belly and continue taking in air until your lungs fill. Slowly exhale. Repeat 4 times to reach a state of calm and mental clarity. This is a great exercise to come back to anytime you’re feeling a little eh.
5. Be extra kind and giving.
Witnessing the joy you bring to another’s life is one of the most nourishing things on earth. The simple act of holding the door for someone behind you at Starbucks, or letting someone who’s in a rush go ahead of you in line, or smiling and saying hello to a stranger–all of it creates a ripple effect of kindness. Because YOU were kind, that other person feels a positive boost and is more likely to be kind to the next person they meet. Most of all, you usually feel good too.
6. Counter overindulgence with healthy food choices.
So you drank a little too much and ate 3 slices of pizza last night. Today is a new day and a chance to get back on track. Oftentimes, we give up and just eat a ton of junk because we think, “Well, I fell off the wagon, I might as well just eat whatever I want until the New Year.” Nuh uh, honey. It’s best to continue to nurture your body properly now. Reset the following day with healthy choices like water with lemon and veggies filled soups and salads. Eating more cheese, bread, fried foods, and sweets is only going to make you feel worse. Plus, when the holidays are over, your holiday hangover will be even more intense emotionally and physically. Be proactive now. Be kind to your body now. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
Committing to all of these things may be a stretch, so I challenge you to choose 1-3 and practice them until the end of the year. I guarantee you’ll feel healthy and at ease as you move through this holiday season. If you found this post to be helpful, let me know in the comments below!
Happy Holidays.