
episode 268: my journey to 6-figures and beyond


Today, I’m going to share the quickie version of my business growth story with you.

  • How I got started as a copywriter
  • What I did to cover my base expenses as I grew
  • How much I earned in my first year
  • The key to hitting 6-figures in year two
  • How I broke through an earning plateau
  • The revenue stream that helped me hit a multiple-6-figure year
  • And more

If you’re someone who is worked towards that steady income in your own business and you’re curious what it could look like for you to hit your income goals too, this episode is for you.

I also share my experience investing $6000 in a mentor  – my first big investment  – and why it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Want my advice on your business?

Submit your question here and I’ll answer it in a future episode!

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