summer morning ritual.
I have always had a bittersweet relationship with the month of July. I love it because it means summer is really here and the next few months will be spent drinking Arnold Palmers, watching sunsets from as many spots as possible, digging my feet into the sand, and taking long walks in the evening. But, I admittedly feel resistant to July too. My former fourth grade self is saying “Oh no, summer is totally over after the 4th of July and that’s in like 2 days!” (I’m 31 years old and that is still my way of thinking.)
Since I have this old belief that the next 8 weeks will fly by, I’ve set the intention to slow down and fully enjoy the unfolding of it all. After all, this time of year can get incredibly hectic with afterwork activities, weekend trips, and the pure urge to see everyone and do everything. It’s kind of exhausting, not to mention hard on your liver and digestive system–if ya know what I mean.
If you feel like you could use a little re-grounding to make sure you enjoy summer to the fullest, here’s a morning ritual I’ve been practicing that has helped me stay more present and intentional.
1. Meditation. When I wake up, the first thing I do is sit for 10-15 minutes quietly surveying the thoughts floating through my head. Then, I mentally say good morning to everyone I love which allows feelings of immense gratitude to rise in my heart center.
2. Journaling. After I reach the point of feeling gratitude after meditation, I write out my intentions for the day. This usually includes things like “I want to feel confident, at ease, and excited for this new day. I put my trust in the Universe and have faith that whatever I encounter today will be an opportunity to learn and grow.”
3. Standing. I then get out of bed and feel both feet on the ground, knowing that I am fully supported by the earth. This is a very grounding exercise because it brings your attention from your mind to your body. I take 3-5 deep breaths from this space and then start getting ready for work/play, etc.
4. Eating. Every time I’ve left my apartment without eating breakfast, I not only feel hungry, but also totally ungrounded. Most recently, I’ve been making smoothies with almond milk, aloe vera juice, coconut oil, chia seeds, bee pollen, greens powder, banana, and frozen blueberries. This combination is super cleansing and satisfying on a warm summer morning.
And later in the day, before you head to happy hour with friends or embark on your next summer adventure, set an intention for how you’d like that future experience to unfold. Doing this not only helps you reconnect with yourself, but it also helps set the stage for what’s the come next. When I do this, I find much more ease in my experiences.
Here’s to a happy, vibrant July. I hope you enjoyed these tips and if you try them, let me know how it goes!!