adventures in montauk.

On Monday I returned from a blissful, four day mini-vacation. And goodness, do I feel like a new woman! The stressed-out, wound-up version of me has melted away and I’m totally pumped to make the most of all of the incredible, exciting, and challenging aspects of my life. Can I get a Hallelujah?
It’s SO easy to forget how necessary real breaks are… from work, from routine, and from technology. And a few days away from the chaotic energy of New York City truly does wonders. My boyfriend and I didn’t travel far to get away either; we drove just under 3 hours to Montauk, NY where the beach was literally in our backyard. Imagine falling asleep to crashing waves, a cool sea breeze, and in the comfort of a cute beachy hotel. Yep, that was us.
Our days were spent sleeping in, sipping smoothies from Joni’s (obviously I found the healthiest breakfast place in town!), and super slow, long walks on the beach. I brushed up on my photography skills and was able to capture the beauty of this tiny town at the tip of Long Island. Montauk reminds me of California–big time–with it’s rocky cliffs overlooking the ocean and beaches that you can literally walk for miles and miles. The water is clean, clear, and speckled with surfers, while a seemingly small handful of people are lounging in beach chairs under colorful umbrellas. As someone who grew up going to the beach in New Jersey, it was so refreshing to not experience a sea of people, sitting on top of each other. Montauk is truly a gem.
Aside from all of our exploring, we also spent a lot of time eating amazing seafood (when in rome!). Our first night’s meal consisted of fresh Montauk Point oysters and local sea scallops at South Edison. Of course, we got our lobster roll on at lunchtime and enjoyed Strawberry Mint lemonades to wash them down. One of my favorite dinners was spent at The Surf Lodge, a beachy-chic hotel with a serious bar scene. Never have I been surrounded by so many beautiful, well-dressed people. In all seriousness, it was as if we were on the set of Laguna Beach. And the food was amazing too. We ate on the deck out back while a reggae band played near the bar, people watched, and admired the incredible sweet light the filled the sky before sunset. Ahhh, it was magical.
Overall, great things come from seizing an opportunity to get out of town and venture somewhere that’s super chill, inviting, and peaceful. I’m so grateful for our adventure in Montauk and the renewed perspective it gave me. Summer is good!
Do you have any plans to get away for a long weekend? What’s your favorite spot?