
my #1 practice for attracting clients.

Over the past year, I’ve learned that one of the most important ingredients to attracting clients is not worrying about attracting clients.

Yes, you read that right.

Before you get all, “wait, I could be doing nothing to get clients?,” I’ll explain.

I am in no way suggesting that you stop all efforts to find your amazing customers; action is SUPER important. I’m just saying don’t worry about the outcome so much. When worry becomes the energy behind our actions, we are not going with the flow of life. And when we’re not going with the flow of life, we are not allowing clients, money, or opportunity to arrive.

Worry blocks our abundance because it’s rooted in fear. Fear that we won’t have enough money to pay our bills. Fear that no one needs our services anymore. Fear that we’re just a huge failure and we might as well close up shop.

When work gets challenging or doesn’t go the way we want it to (right this second!), we tense up. Anxiety starts simmering underneath the surface and whether we realize it or not, we show up with an air of desperation.

And, well, that’s client repellent.

This entire year, I’ve literally witnessed my client pool grow when I’m feeling at ease and get completely stopped up when I’m feeling stressed. To make sure I’m in the flow, feeling into my abundance, and calling in more clients, I have a morning ritual I do to help keep my head on straight.

I sit quietly and do Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 breathing technique to calm down my nervous system, and then I return my breath to normal and close my eyes. I imagine every single worry leaving my body and allow ease to wash over me. I remind myself that the Universe has a bigger plan; I don’t need to try to control everything and, most of all, I don’t need to worry. Lastly, I call in the clients that are trying to find me. I imagine them discovering my website and writing me an email. And then I let it all go. I plan out my week, do my usual outreach, follow-up, and connecting with people on social media and in person daily.

Believe it or not, I usually get a few copywriting inquiries within days of doing this meditation.

That’s how powerful a role our mindset plays in our success. How we think about things, feel about things, and approach things can all be felt by others. So we’ve got to do the inner work to make sure we’re a clean and clear channel for clients to come our way and fall in love with us.

Mindset practices aside, sometimes the time of year has a lot to do with client flow as well. I’ve been in business for a little over 11 months and the pattern I’ve picked up on is things tend to slow down around July and then again in mid-November. The collective consciousness shifts into summer vacation or holiday celebration, and away from business investments.

So what do you do in times where the well seems to dry up?

Start with the meditation I practice above just so you can cultivate inner peace no matter what the circumstance. Then focus on how you can be of service. Who could you help with your offerings right now in a generous way? Do you have a part-time job where you could put in more hours? Can you gift one of your packages to one customer? Or maybe offer a discount to all of your followers on Instagram?

Also, map out your finances for the next 60 days. Set up a budget for holiday shopping. And get clients set up to start with you in January. That way you feel clear and grounded financially too!

Get creative. Take action. And most of all, let worry fall away. Things always have a way of working out for the best. I try to remind myself of this often 🙂